"I sometimes get a little stuck in the beginning process of working out where to start with a kiddo but it was so helpful to really see the connections being drawn between the different domains and how interrelated it can be - that its more of a process and journey rather than seeking to have all the answers at once.”
- Course Graduate
Spirited Conversations
Tracy Stackhouse of DFX joins Cory Dundon of Dundon Occupational Therapy Services and Michelle Maunder of Seed Paediatric Services for a series of discussions on clinical reasoning and pediatric occupational therapy.
Most of us are drawn to OT because we love children and we believe in the infinite possibility of childhood. However, once we enter practice, it is common for therapists to become overwhelmed by all there is to know and find it challenging to weave techniques together during treatment sessions.
This podcast was conceived to include you in our SpIRiTed conversations. These discussions have kept us engaged and had an unmeasurable impact on us as therapists. We want to share our regular clinical conversations with others, not knowing all the answers, but allowing each of us to have the space and support to think and put the pieces together. Tracy’s ability to make clinical reasoning and neuroscience accessible to all is incredibly powerful and worth sharing.
a podcast
Current Courses
The SpIRiT© (Sensory processing/Integration Reasoning interactive Tool) is a mindful clinical reasoning tool for ensuring best practice in pediatric occupational therapy. The SpIRiT introduces a clinical reasoning framework for combining sensory, affective, and motor (SAM) processing into a relationship-based, sensory integrative model of intervention.
While there is no wrong way to engage in our courses or utilize the associated clinical reasoning tools, we would gently recommend taking The STEPPSI course first and The SpIRiT second.
We are so excited to offer three, live online cohort meetings as part of our learning experience. While not required, participation is highly recommended. Meetings will incorporate lectures, time for Q&A, and case studies to further integrate the material. Meetings will be recorded and available for participants to view at a later date. The live, virtual cohort meetings are scheduled on September 20, October 25, and December 6.
While there are no prerequisites for The SpIRiT, we consider this an intermediate level course.
YES! DFX is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. PD activity approval ID# 0000007700 This distance learning- independent course is offered at 1.2 AOTA CEUs, intermediate level, in the OT Service Delivery category. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.
We are eager to share our SpIRiT clinical reasoning tool with clinicians around the world. A course certificate awarding 12.0 contact hours is issued at the completion of the full course that may be used for professional continuing education depending on each country's own requirements. The course includes measurement of proficiency and completion standards to address professional continuing education requirements.
All of the downloadable resources and information will be provided at the beginning of this course in order to simplify your printing process. At the beginning of each chapter, you will find a Chapter Preview that highlights which materials will be covered in each chapter as well as the estimated time for completion.
Learners will have access to the pre-recorded course videos and associated learning materials for 120 days (~4 months) from the date of enrollment.
We're happy to answer any questions you might have. Please email us at learningjourneys@developmentalfx.org

The SpIRiT
The SpIRiT is a mindful clinical reasoning tool for ensuring best practice in pediatric occupational therapy. This course gives learners a clinical reasoning framework for combining sensory, affective, and motor (SAM) processing into a relationship-based, sensory integrative model of intervention. This online course consists of pre-recorded videos, integration of knowledge activities, and resources to support learners as they embark on their learning journey.
Our Flagship Courses
SPRING COHORT! February 1 - April 4, 2025
Our flagship courses, STEPPSI (Sensation, Task, Environment, Predictability, Playfulness, Self-Monitoring, and Interactions) and The SpIRiT of Pediatric Therapy (Sensory processing/Integration Reasoning interactive Tool), offer clinicians the chance to learn from Tracy Stackhouse, MA, OTR/L, who co-created these powerful models of clinical reasoning.
In addition, we are offering both the STEPPSI and The SpIRiT as self-paced courses. While there is no wrong way to engage in our courses or utilize the associated clinical reasoning tools, we would gently recommend taking STEPPSI first and The SpIRiT second.
Special Offers! If you have paid to take either course and then register for the other, you may be eligible for a 25% discount on the registration fee. Also, if you took either course a while ago and want to take a refresher, you may be eligible for a 50% discount.

This course will provide an overview of the theoretical foundations of sensory modulation from occupational therapy literature and related neuroscience research that is woven into a model for clinical reasoning that we call “STEPPSI”. We offer a framework for planning, implementation, and monitoring treatment, using the acronym associated with each step: Sensation, Task, Environment, Predictability, Playfulness, Self-Regulation, and Interactions, that clinicians can adopt and use in everyday practice. The course includes pre-recorded lecture videos, integration of learning activities, and a case study assignment.
Using the STEPPSI model will supercharge your understanding of regulation, enhance the way you approach every interaction with the children you treat, and support you to become a more holistic practitioner.
Participants should have foundational knowledge in sensory integration (Ayres SI (ASIⓇ) in particular) theory and treatment.
The course is designed for clinicians, in particular for Occupational therapists and Occupational therapy assistants.
YES! Developmental FX is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. PD activity approval ID# 0000006421. This distance learning- independent course is offered at 1.6 AOTA CEUs, introductory level, in the OT Service Delivery category. AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures.
–For our global learners, this course provides 16 hours of continuing education units.YES! We offer a 50% discount to people who have paid to take the STEPPSI course previously and would like to retake the course for CE credit. Email us or watch your inbox for the discount code. **Only one type of discount can be applied to your registration fee.
YES! We offer a 25% discount on registration to those who have paid to take the SpIRiT. Email us or watch your inbox for the discount code. **Only one type of discount can be applied to your registration fee.
While there is no wrong way to engage in our courses or utilize the associated clinical reasoning tools, we would gently recommend taking The STEPPSI course first and The SpIRiT second.
Learners will have access to the pre-recorded course videos and associated learning materials for 120 days (~4 months) from the date of enrollment.
We're happy to answer any questions you might have. Please email us at learningjourneys@developmentalfx.org

The STEPPSI course includes a series of pre-recorded lectures by Tracy Stackhouse MA, OTR, and Dave Jereb, MHS (OTR), to support further integration and understanding of how to utilize the STEPPSI protocols in everyday practice. This online course consists of pre-recorded videos, integration of knowledge activities, and resources to support learners as they embark on their learning journey.
Register Now for Spring 2025 Cohort February 1 - April 4
Polyvagal theory was developed by Dr. Stephen Porges in 1994 and describes how our nervous systems respond to signals of safety and threat. Polyvagal theory outlines the physiological/psychological states that underlie day to day functioning, including how they impact well-being and mental health. For an overview of the theory, see this resource page from the Polyvagal Institute.
The Polyvagal Certificate Course is designed for a wide audience and gives an overview of polyvagal theory, including many examples of how it has been applied across contexts to support personal and professional life. The course covers a theory and not an intervention approach, which means this content can be applied to any work with children that have complex developmental profiles. Polyvagal theory will empower you to provide more trauma-informed intervention by deepening your understanding of the nervous system and factors that influence responses to perceived threats/stressors as well as how this relates to both self- and co-regulation for both you and your clients.
The Polyvagal Certificate Course is designed to be accessible to a variety of learners and does not require any specific prior knowledge.
The course is designed for a broad audience and will enable application of polyvagal theory to both personal and professional life. The Polyvagal Institute suggests that learners “come with curiosity about the body, the brain and the human experience.” Polyvagal theory has been applied in medical/healthcare settings, educational contexts, allied health fields, and beyond.
Through the Polyvagal Institute there is an option to earn 35 CEs for psychologists, LPCs, LCSWs, LMFTs, and nurses. All course participants obtain a certificate of completion that can be submitted for CE credit. Please check with your licensing agency.
The Polyvagal Certificate Course involves 20 hours of live (online) course time, composed of nine 2 hour classes and two one hour discussions. There are also monthly 90-minute smaller group discussions. The Polyvagal Institute recommends 1-2 hours/week of independent study outside of the live instruction and discussion. Access to course materials is provided for about 8 months from enrollment. See the PVI course page for details.
A diverse range of expert instructors have been brought together to provide a unique learning experience for this course. Specific course instructors may change with future cohorts, so be sure to check for current details on the Polyvagal Institute website. The course does include content taught by Dr. Porges and by DFX’s own Tracy Stackhouse. Current instructors include:
Dr. Stephen Porges
Michael Allison
Les Aria
Niki Elliott
Amber Gray
Arielle Schwartz
Tracy Stackhouse
George Thompson
Jan Winhall
Niloufer Merchant
Polyvagal Theory FAQ's

The Polyvagal Certificate Course at PVI
An in-depth exploration of the Polyvagal Theory and its application to personal and professional lives, our Tracy Stackhouse joins Dr. Stephen Porges and leading experts in the fields of neuroscience, healthcare, and therapeutics to offer a course that explores Polyvagal Theory.
Customized Courses
We also provide in-person training for clinics around the world. If you are interested in working with us to create a customized continuing education course for your clinic, please reach out to us at learningjourneys@developmentalfx.org.

We are thrilled to see a growing global passion for transforming pediatric care. The maps below show where recent course attendees reside and where we have conducted in-person trainings.
Global Reach

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